BioScape habitats

This visionary project introduces an innovative concept for sustainable accommodation, featuring a cutting-edge design enveloped in a symbiotic combination of algae and hydrogel-infused skin. The proposed structure leverages the unique properties of this integrated system to harness the power of evaporation, thereby serving as a natural and energy-efficient mechanism for cooling the entire building.

The exterior of the accommodation is envisioned as a dynamic interface, where algae and hydrogel work in harmony to create a responsive and adaptable outer layer. Algae, known for its rapid growth and carbon dioxide absorption capabilities, not only contributes to the overall eco-friendliness but also adds a visually captivating element to the building’s aesthetics. The hydrogel component enhances the system by efficiently retaining and releasing water, facilitating a controlled and sustainable evaporation process.

By harnessing the principles of evapotranspiration, the algae-infused hydrogel skin actively dissipates heat, providing an eco-conscious solution to temperature regulation. This not only reduces the reliance on traditional energy-intensive cooling systems but also establishes a harmonious relationship between architecture and the environment.

Design Team: Chao-Chun Kung