The Futuristic Virtual Existence: Living in the Metaverse

In the distant future, a significant portion of the population will exist in virtual form, where the heart of humanity resides within the ultimate data center. This data center, powered by a nuclear fusion reactor, gives rise to an expansive metaverse and boundless possibilities.

The nuclear fusion reactor, resembling a bioreactor, is equipped with numerous neurons capable of growth and change in response to energy consumption, heat, and light. The intricate network of paths and wires connecting various points represents the extensive networks linking cities and diverse communities.

Furthermore, within this futuristic landscape, the box of spins functions as computer memory. These memory units diligently collect data about the environment, knowledge, and memories from the individuals inhabiting this virtual realm. As a result, the fusion of technology and human experience in this metaverse presents a vision of an interconnected and dynamic future.

Artist: Chao-Chun Kung